The Liebster Award


So I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award and I am really excited about this. Thank you to Sincerely, Snow for the nomination. The award aims to make people more aware of the wonderful blogs out there with fewer than 200 followers. The basics of the award are that you get nominated by a blogger and then nominate a further 11 bloggers which deserve some more love.

The rules..

1 You must link back to the person that nominated you.

2 You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.

3 You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.

4 You must come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

Keri’s questions..

1) What is one thing you wish you were brave (or rich) enough to try?

I would love to go travelling the world on my own and I always wish I’d gone on a gap year before I went to University. Unfortunately I’m a wuss and I need someone to come and hold my hand on planes. Hopefully one day!

2) Who was your first celebrity crush?

I’m not sure whether this was my first crush as my memory is terrible, but I had a crush on Lil’ Chris when I was about 14. How embarrassing. Anyone, remember him? Wonder what he’s doing now.

 3) If you could rewrite a film/book ending what would you chose and what would you change?

I’ve never seen the film for this but the ending of the book ‘One Day’ really annoyed me and therefore why I’ve still not seen the film. I think I’m the only person who didn’t like it, but I wanted them to live happily ever after at the end and they really didn’t. So all I’d do is not have Emma die, they get married; have babies and live happily ever after.

 4) What is your favourite decade and why?

I really wish I was around in the 80’s, simply just for the music and strangely for the hair styles. My hair naturally looks like I’ve had a perm so I suppose that would save me a lot of time if I was around then.

 5) Who is your style icon? 

Pixie Lott, but that is mainly just because I want her hair!

 6) In honour of The Beauty Belle, who is your celebrity girl crush?

Lucy Mecklenburgh. Not gonna lie, I am really jealous of her.

7) What is your number one guilty pleasure?

Watching awful trash T.V. on a lazy pj day.

 8) Would you rather meet your ancestors or your great great great grandchildren? 

My ancestors. I’d love to know if we are alike personality and looks wise. I think meeting my great great great grandchildren when I’m only 21 would scare me a little bit.

 9) What beauty skill do you wish you were better at? (i.e. liquid eyeliner)

The example liquid eyeliner is definitely something I wish I was better at. It takes me about 200 attempts to get it right or I blink and get it everywhere or get it in my eyes. If anyone can give me any tips on this I would be hugely grateful.

 10) If you could go to lunch with anyone in the world who would you pick?

Will Ferrell, although I would probably just sit there and quote his films at him. I’d get on his nerves.

 11) Would you rather a £5,000 shopping spree or a 5 night luxury vacation?

Definitely shopping spree. I have a long list of things I would love to buy but cannot afford. Also I’d love to go out and treat my family and friends to a shopping spree on me.

My 11 blog nominations are:












Sorry if you’ve already been nominated, but I thought you deserved another nomination!

My 11 questions are..

1) What one thing would you tell your younger self?

2) Favourite ever beauty item?

3) If you had one superpower for the day, what would it be and why?

4) Favourite film?

5) The one place you’d love to visit?

6) What job did you want to have as a child?

7) Your number one beauty tip?

8) If you could meet one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

9) Who is your ‘weird’ celebrity crush?

10) What is your favourite high street store?

11) What is your favourite drug store/high street makeup brand and why?

I look forward to reading your answers!



13 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Just thought I would come over to your blog and say thank you! 🙂 I still cant believe you nominated me, it is so lovely of you! 🙂 Loved reading your answers to the questions too 🙂 xx

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award, thank you gay mentalist! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: The Liebster Award! | Stephanie-isms

      • Haha, you know though I think thats happened with quite a few people by the looks of it. Thanks hun, my posts are very random but I’m still getting in the swing of things an trying to find my niche I guess lol 🙂

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